A composer is a person that decides how you should feel, and then, makes you feel that. Sounds familiar? In this episode we are doing something that we dont do often, interview a person, and this person is Michael Coltham a composer whos box, is bigger than Martins!
Michael tells us all about how he works as a composer, what the process of creating a new composition is, which is not unlike Design Thinking, and how the itterative process of creating a new piece.
In this episode we get all around the topic from music to support your brand, music for film, Dynamic music for games and the list goes on. I promise that there is a lot of learning for you in this episode of Hidden By Design.
In this episode, you will learn
- What is a composer
- Why should you use music in your production
- Music in context of design
If you want to get a hold of Michael, here is how you do this
Black Lab Music – website: https://www.blacklabmusic.co.uk/
Here’s his Spotify (solo artist): https://open.spotify.com/artist/5T664fmEeBDgjy6BbfXYJd?si=c_0LzxN9T0eDOoXCjdXAcg
His Linkedin is here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelcoltham/
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